Her2scFv-TM-CD28-CD3z /// tEGFR

Item Information
Catalog #

ProMab's PM-CAR1084 primary human CAR-T cells express an anti-HER2 CAR containing a HER2-specific scFv, hinge and transmembrane domains, the CD28 costimulatory domain and the CD3zeta activation domain. In addition, PM-CAR1084 CAR-T cells express truncated EGFR, driven by a separate promoter, for Cetuximab-mediated deletion by ADCC.


Product Overview
Cell Type Tested
T cells
CS10 CryoStor Medium (Sigma Aldrich, Cat, #C2874)
Cell Viability
Mycoplasma Testing
The cells has been screened using a PCR-based mycoplasma detection kit to conirm the absence of mycoplasma species.
-80°C; liquid nitrogen
Shipping & Handing
This product will be shipped in a box containing dry ice at a temperature of -70°C.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.